Every gin shelf needs a bottle of Campfire London Dry Gin. Our original and most popular gin is the quintessential cocktail gin. Refreshing and complex juniper, sweet orange and rich golden berry shine in a classic 1:2 ratio G&T but for the ultimate gin aperitif it has to be served in a Campfire Bone Dry Martini – our martini recipe that won the World’s Best Martini Challenge in 2019. An amazing 10:1 Campfire London Dry Gin to Dolin Dry Vermouth ratio!

For a sweeter alternative to a bone dry martini try our Bitter About Vesper cocktail with Lillet Blanc. Best served as an after dinner cocktail or with cakes and scones for afternoon tea. If you’re looking for a warm gin cocktail to serve on bonfire night, Halloween or at Christmas parties then try the Puddingstone Purl or Spiced Apple Gin Warmer.

Add Campfire London Dry Gin to your basket by hitting the buy gin online button below and we will have the gin delivered pronto!

Campfire London Dry Gin Beets From The Bronx cocktail recipe


The Bronx cocktail – a Perfect Martini (gin, sweet vermouth and dry vermouth) with the addition of orange juice became popular during the 1910s and 1920s rivalling the Manhattan and Dry Martini in popularity. In F Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby orange juicing is mechanised to keep up with the demand. You might think The Bronx is named after the New York borough but it’s actually named after the zoo. Here in our Beets From The Bronx cocktail, created for our From The Garden cocktail demo, we’ve switch the vermouths for a homemade beetroot and tarragon syrup.

For the beetroot and tarragon syrup
Peel, wrap in foil and roast three medium beetroots at 180˚C for 45 minutes. Allow to cool. Weigh and add half this weight in water plus the beets to a blender. Whizz until smooth and filter the juice through a muslin cloth.

To a small pan add:
125g Beetroot juice
125g Sugar
20 Tarragon leaves torn in half

Heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved and small white bubbles appear on the top of the syrup. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Once cooled use a mesh strainer and decant into a sterile bottle. Can be stored in the fridge for up to two weeks.

To make
60ml Campfire London Dry Gin
10ml Orange juice
10ml Beetroot and tarragon syrup
½ Egg white

Dry shake (no ice) all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker for 30 seconds. Then add a few cubes of ice and wet shake for a further 20 seconds. Fine strain into a pre-chilled martini glass.