Every gin shelf needs a bottle of Campfire London Dry Gin. Our original and most popular gin is the quintessential cocktail gin. Refreshing and complex juniper, sweet orange and rich golden berry shine in a classic 1:2 ratio G&T but for the ultimate gin aperitif it has to be served in a Campfire Bone Dry Martini – our martini recipe that won the World’s Best Martini Challenge in 2019. An amazing 10:1 Campfire London Dry Gin to sitting Dry Vermouth ratio!

For a sweeter alternative to a bone dry martini try our Bitter About Vesper cocktail with Lillet Blanc. Best served as an after dinner cocktail or with cakes and scones for afternoon tea. If you’re looking for a warm gin cocktail to serve on bonfire night, Halloween or Christmas parties then try the Puddingstone Purl or Spiced Apple Gin Warmer.

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Campfire London Dry Gin Rickey cocktail recipe


You don’t need tonic water to enjoy gin. This crisp, refreshing, zero sugar alternative to the classic G&T is best enjoyed under the shady canopy of a riverside weeping willow.

50ml Campfire London Dry Gin
200ml Fever-Tree Soda Water
¼ Fresh lime

Pour Campfire London Dry Gin over ice, squeeze lime juice into glass and add the lime. Top with Fever-Tree Soda Water and stir.