Every gin shelf needs a bottle of Campfire London Dry Gin. Our original and most popular gin is the quintessential cocktail gin. Refreshing and complex juniper, sweet orange and rich golden berry shine in a classic 1:2 ratio G&T but for the ultimate gin aperitif it has to be served in a Campfire Bone Dry Martini – our martini recipe that won the World’s Best Martini Challenge in 2019. An amazing 10:1 Campfire London Dry Gin to sitting Dry Vermouth ratio!
For a sweeter alternative to a bone dry martini try our Bitter About Vesper cocktail with Lillet Blanc. Best served as an after dinner cocktail or with cakes and scones for afternoon tea. If you’re looking for a warm gin cocktail to serve on bonfire night, Halloween or Christmas parties then try the Puddingstone Purl or Spiced Apple Gin Warmer.
Add Campfire London Dry Gin to your basket by hitting the buy gin online button below and we will have the gin delivered pronto!
On our first trip to Kenya we had dinner at The Carnivore Restaurant – famous for its BBQ meats. It was here that we first tried a Dawa cocktail made with vodka. On our most recent trip to Kenya a breakfast treat was madafu or coconut water. Below is a gin cocktail based on the Dawa, coconut water and cardamom spice. The East African coast was an entry point for the spice trade.
35ml Campfire London Dry Gin
35ml Coconut water (madafu)
10ml Cardamom syrup – see below
10ml Fresh lime juice
Lime for garnish
Runny honey
First make the cardamom syrup. Add 50g castor sugar and 50ml water to a saucepan, heat gently and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add five cracked cardamom pods (not fully crushed). Pour into a sterilised bottle and allow to cool. Refrigerate for 24 hours. Strain into a fresh sterilised bottle to remove the cardamom pods. It will keep for one month in the fridge.
Mix all ingredients except the honey and lime garnish in a beaker filled with ice. Strain into an Old Fashioned glass filled with fresh ice. Take a bamboo straw, dip into the runny honey and stir into the cocktail. Garnish with a slice of lime.