biz4Biz Award Win 2023


Made in Herts

It all started with some very kind peeps who nominated Puddingstone Distillery in the biz4Biz 2023 Awards Made in Herts category. With 83 other Hertfordshire businesses, large and small, covering a wide range of industries in the running, we then made the nominee short list of 25 and were invited to present to the biz4Biz judges. From the comfort of the distillery we gave the judges a virtual distillery tour, described how we created and set up the first gin distillery in Hertfordshire, discussed the challenges of COVID, the impact of Brexit and subsequent cost of living issues and how we are planning for the future.

The biz4Biz finalists

As a result of the virtual presentation to the judges we were delighted to make the Made in Herts final list of just six businesses – CU Phosco Lighting, Mad Squirrel Brewery, Surreal Estate, Tracy’s Treasured Keepsakes and West End Barns.

The biz4Biz award ceremony 2023

The biz4Biz award ceremony was held at the beautiful Tewinbury Farm countryside hotel and events venue near Welwyn. July 7th was a super hot, sunny Friday evening which made the location all the more stunning. We dressed up in our finest and settled in the marquee for an evening of entertainment from Sylar the magician, a comedian and a powerful presentation by the biz4Biz chosen charity Essex & Herts Air Ambulance while we enjoyed a superb dinner expertly cooked and served by the Tewinbury team.

The host for the evening was journalist and sports presenter Chris Hollins who regaled us with stories of his Strictly Come Dancing win in 2009!

Made in Herts winner announcement

Unfortunately we weren’t crowned winners of the Made in Herts category but we were very proud to have reached the finals given the stiff competition. Huge congratulations goes to CS Phosco Lighting who was named champion!

Special judges’ award

However, all was not lost and we didn’t come home to Tring empty-handed. Much to our delight and surprise Puddingstone Distillery was announced as winner of the biz4Biz Judges’ Award. The judges wanted to award us special recognition for all we had achieved since launching in 2016, the other international awards we’ve won for the Campfire Gin range and our working ethos to produce gins of an exceptional and inspirational nature, created with a mindfulness of community and environment which has resulted in collaborations with other Hertfordshire businesses, Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust and The Box Moor Trust.

We’d like to thank…

The biz4Biz Awards 2023, the main sponsor Barclays Bank and all the other Hertfordshire business sponsors of the 18 award categories including Airbus, Rothamsted Research, Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership, University of Hertfordshire and more. The Made in Herts category was sponsored by Stevenage Borough Council.

biz4Biz Judges' Award 2023