PUD PUD Cherry Gin – a great addition to the Christmas dinner table
We were delighted to have PUD PUD Cherry Gin – one of our Christmas gins featured in a beautiful photoshoot by Matthew Bishop. All the items on the dinner table are produced, handmade and sold by local Tring and Berkhamsted businesses. We shop local where we can, we encourage others to shop local too. There’s so much individuality that exists even in just these two towns, it’s fabulous to know that we have access to such unique and special products. Natasha at Nevie Pie Cakes even made the Christmas puddings that we distill for all our PUD PUD Gins.
To buy gifts and services from these amazing businesses check out their instagram and websites below.
Gin and gin glasses campfiregin
Photography mbishopphotography
Floral arrangements appleblossomweddingflowers
Cakes/baked goods neviepie
Crackers/felt mice/macrama mat kits berginandbath
Christmas ornaments andquirky
Photography mbishopphotography.co.uk
Floral arrangements appleblossomflowers.co.uk
Cakes/baked goods neviepiecakes.com
Crackers/felt mice/macrama mat kits berginandbath.co.uk
Christmas ornaments andquirky.co.uk