We need your nominations please!
I received a phone call earlier this afternoon from the lovely Sandra at the UKs leading regional lifestyle blog Muddy Stilettos. The blog is an urban guide to the countryside and we are big fans. We use it as a resource for finding out about cool and quirky Hertfordshire events and lifestyle businesses across the county.
Sandra excitedly informed me that our fantastic Campfire Crowd has been busy nominating us for the Muddy Stilettos Awards 2017 and they’ve receive multiple entries for us so far, but to get to the final we need more nominations. The 5 businesses per category with the most nominations will go through to a live final. If we get to the final there will be another round of voting – this time live voting so you can see in real time which business is winning.
We’ve been nominated in the Best Local Producer (Food and Drink) Hertfordshire category.
To add your nomination visit this link – herts.muddystilettos.co.uk/awards and scroll to the Best Local Producer (Food and Drink) Hertfordshire category.
Many thanks in advance
Kate & Ben