Chocolate Cocktail Demo
Our latest cocktail demo afternoon was a challenge to taste buds. Ben demonstrated three Campfire Gin cocktails that featured chocolate in some way… or did they? You might be surprised by the ingredients for Sublime Moment, they don’t include chocolate but the combination gives the impression that you are tasting chocolate. This amazing recipe was demonstrated to us at a Gin Guild event by Sam Carter, senior brand ambassador at Bombay Sapphire. When drinking the cocktail you experience what is called flavour transmogrification. You have to try it to believe it!
20th Century is a known cocktail that uses a chocolate liqueur – normally a white crème de cacao but we really quite like it with brown crème de cacao.
However the cocktail that most of the guests who attended the sessions voted as their preferred cocktail was one that Ben and I created. Again it didn’t feature chocolate in the actual cocktail but we paired it with Yvette’s Chocolates Great Taste award winning dark chocolate infused with olive oil. 54% dark chocolate combined with French olive oil, roasted cocoa nibs and Guerande sea salt. We called this cocktail Étoile after the ship in which Jeanne Baret sailed between 1766-1769. Some of you might remember that Jeanne’s name was one of the names we presented to our Campfire crowd as a potential for our gin still names. On that occasion her name wasn’t chosen but we will be naming one of our new stills purchased for our gin school after her. Jeanne is recognised as the first woman to have circumnavigated the globe but in order to do this she joined the expedition dressed as a man. She was an exceptional botanist and an assistant to naturalist Philibert Commerçon.
Sublime Moment
To make (serves 1)
50ml Campfire London Dry Gin
25ml Grapefruit juice
15ml Vanilla syrup
Add ice, gin, grapefruit juice and syrupto a cocktail shaker and shake well.Fine strain into cocktail glass.
What do you taste?
To make (serves 1)
50ml Campfire Navy Strength Gin
15ml Lime juice
25ml Rosemary syrup
Add ice, gin, lime juice and syrupto a cocktail shaker and shake well.Fine strain into cocktail glass. Serve with dark chocolate infused with olive oil,roasted cocoa nibs & Guerande sea saltby Yvette’s Chocolates.
20th Century
To make (serves 1)
45ml Campfire Old Tom Gin
15ml Crème de cacao
15ml Lillet Blanc
15ml Lemon juice
Add ice, gin and all the other ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake well.Fine strain into cocktail glass.